三九天冬灸 Natural Moxibustion in Winter Time

冬灸是天灸的一種,是在一年中最寒冷的日子進行灸治,「三九」是冬至後的第三個九天,在三九天前後是一年中最寒冷的時候,很適宜用辛熱的藥物敷貼於穴位上。 天氣寒冷,人體肌膚腠理不固,衛外機能不全,容易患上呼吸道疾病。故於「三九天」進行天灸治療,可袪除寒邪、扶助正氣、提高人體的抗病能力。對於或治療各種寒性疾病如咳喘、泄瀉、風濕骨痛等,有良好的預防作用。曾接受三伏天天灸的人士,尤其適合於三九天作加強治療。



Dr. Kerry D’ Ambrogio is coming to Hong Kong


Dr. Kerry D’ Ambrogio provides treatment in our Central clinic from Nov 16th – 17th.  For those clients who want to consult him, please call +852 25372083 to make the booking.

There are still some spots open for Dr. Kerry D’Ambriogio’s course.  Don’t miss this last opportunity!  Please apply ASAP by completed application form and fax to +852 21258825.

Positional Release Therapy – Upper Quadrant
14 – 17 November 2015
For enquiry, please contact us at +852 37411970 or by email: info@iholistic.org or ihh@on-nets.com


11月健康講座 – 輕度認知功能障礙

還想知道腦部退化對日常生活有甚麼影響, 遇到以上情況又該如何做?


講者: 伍啟達先生 (職業治療師、香薰治療師)
語言: 廣東話

如需報名及查詢請電2537 2083 (費用全免,名額有限,請即報名)
大家亦可到 http://www.kerryfung.com/events/novhealthtalk/ 報名
Nov Health Talk



9月健康講座: 「跑步 知多點」



馮偉業物理治療師及中醫師(香港運動訓練及治療學會會長) 為你剖析跑步運動的各種冷熱知識, 從裝備、訓練、如何提升表現、比賽準備、可能出現的創傷的預防、治療、康復等,無所不談。無論你是賽跑選手,或者只想用跑步來 Keep Fit,總有資訊適合你。 座位有限,報名從速!

報名及查詢: INFO@START.ORG.HK / 25372083
大家亦可到 http://www.kerryfung.com/events/septhealthtalk/ 報名

Running_Lecture Sept 15

8月健康講座: 嬰幼兒脊骨健康講座




如需報名及查詢請電2537 2083 (費用全免,名額有限,請即報名)
大家亦可到 http://www.kerryfung.com/events/aughealthtalk/ 報名

August health talk


X-TREME SPORTS Series 1 Race Walking 防治創傷的貼士 & 競步知多少 ?

talk leaflet 10
We are welcoming a new team member at Kerry Fung & Associates, Adriane Stjernqvist, whom will be holding the first out of 5 talk series introducing some of the most popular extreme sports in team, individual and social settings offered in Hong Kong today.

 Hong Kong, one of the most adventurous and buzzing cities in the world, is commonly known for it’s fast paced lifestyle. However, have you ever considered ways that would help you travel even faster everyday?

 Come and join us on October 8th, as Adriane will teach you how to walk even faster than you’d ever think possible! – introducing Race Walking as the first health talk on the X-treme sports mini series. This talk will include movement analysis as well as advice for safe training and injury prevention. We are hosting this  in conjunction with the upcoming annual MTR Race Walking 2013 taking place on October 14th. So whether you are a participant, sponsor, or interested sports fanatic trying to pick up a new hobby.

Last minute tip for Race Walker attending the MTR Race.
Don’t miss the chance ! Come and join us.

Speaker: Miss Adriane Stjernkvist (Registered Physiotherapist)
Date: 8th October 2013 (Tuesday)
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Venue: Room 508, Takshing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
For enquiries, please contact us at 2537 2083 
Seats are limited, please reserve yours early

●Talk In English

●Free Admission

About X-TREME SPORTS Series 1 Race Walking – Change of Venue 極限運動講座系列(1)﹣ 競步 (英語講座)﹣ 更改講座地點

Due to the venue arrangement, September Health Education Seminar has to be changed to our Central Clinic. The detail address is Room 508, Takshing House, 20 Des Voeux Road Central.

For more details, please refer to the page.

由於場地問題, 原本明天舉行的健康講座將改為於中環診所進行,


X-TREME SPORTS Series 1 Race Walking

We are welcoming a new team member at Kerry Fung & Associates, Adriane Stjernqvist, whom will be holding the first out of 5 talk series introducing some of the most popular extreme sports in team, individual and social settings offered in Hong Kong today.

Hong Kong, one of the most adventurous and buzzing cities in the world, is commonly known for it’s fast paced lifestyle. However, have you ever considered ways that would help you travel even faster everyday?

Come and join us on September 24th, as Adriane will teach you how to walk even faster than you’d ever think possible! – introducing Race Walking as the first health talk on the X-treme sports mini series. This talk will include movement analysis as well as advice for safe training and injury prevention. We are hosting this  in conjunction with the upcoming annual MTR Race Walking 2013 taking place on October 14th. So whether you are a participant, sponsor, or interested sports fanatic trying to pick up a new hobby.

We welcome you! Come and join us.

Speaker: Miss Adriane Stjernkvist (Registered Physiotherapist)

●Talk In English

●Free Admission

X-TREME SPORTS Series 1 Race Walking.