

動態貼布(Kinesiology Taping)(又名「肌內效」貼布)(Kinesiotape)是近年在體育界很流行的一種貼紮法,可以用於預防運動創傷、改善人體力學、促進創傷康復(特別是消減腫脹)等各方面,而且使用方法簡單、多元,故深受運動員、教練和物理治療師愛好。


日期:2017年3月8, 15及22日 (逢星期三)
報名及查詢: info@iholistic.org / 2537 2083


1月健康講座 – 輕鬆學按摩

1月健康講座 -輕鬆學按摩

日期: 2017年1月12日(星期四)
時間: 晚上七時至八時半
地點: 整全保健學院教育中心
講者: 陶智超先生 (註冊物理治療師)
語言: 廣東話
報名及查詢: info@iholistic.org / 2537 2083  (費用全免,名額有限,請即報名)


Yoga Workshop



上課日子:星期一 10:00am-1:00pm
費用:每位$560(限收12位 )


上班一族,家務一族 ,腰酸背痛乃是家常便飯,加上生活忙碌、疏於運動,令繃緊的肌肉無法紓展,肌肉力量漸漸流失。容易導致脊椎側彎、駝背等等錯誤姿勢,影響健康和體態。而【Pilates】皮拉提斯運動正正適合有以上一族煩惱的朋友。


上課日子:星期二 11:00am-1:00pm
費用:每位$360(限收10位 )


Yoga 瑜伽

Lilian Wong 擁有Iyengar瑜伽導師認証及YogaWorks導師文 憑,自 2007 年以來,一直跟從著名的 Iyengar 瑜伽老師 Peter Scott 學習,她也是一位經驗豐富的皮拉提斯老師,並獲得 Physicalmind Institute 及 STOTT PILATES®證書及教學資格精確體位法是 Lilian 對瑜伽和皮拉提斯練習的主要焦點,她以循序漸進的教學方法授課,提供多一層次的瑜伽和皮拉提斯課程。

Lilian Wong, Iyengar-Certified and YogaWorks Diploma certified yoga teahcer, Lilian has been studying with renowned Iyengar Teacher Peter Scott since 2007. Alignment is the major focus in Lilian’s yoga practice and she provides a thougtful flow and sequence to her multi-level yoga classes.

Lilian is also an experienced Pilates teacher, Certified in Pilates (Physicalmind Instititute and STOTT Pilates).

Janet 擁有 Iyengar 瑜伽 L 及 YogaWorks 導師資格。自 2007 年跟從著名的 Iyengar 瑜伽老師 Peter Scott。認識正確瑜伽體位對式子練習的重要性。另外, Janet也擁有Physicalmind Institute, AASFP及 STOTT Pilates皮拉提之墊子, 輔具及器械床教學認証。

Janet is a Iyengar certified and YogaWorks certified yoga teacher. Janet has been studying with renowned Iyengar teacher Peter Scott since 2007. Recognize the importance of correct yoga position on yoga practice. Janet is also a Pilates teacher, certified in Pilates (Physicalmind Institute,STOTT PILATES and AASFP), Mat, equipment and Reformer




冬灸是天灸的一種,是在一年中最寒冷的日子進行灸治,「三九」是冬至後的第三個九天,在三九天前後是一年中最寒冷的時候,很適宜用辛熱的藥物敷貼於穴位上。 天氣寒冷,人體肌膚腠理不固,衛外機能不全,容易患上呼吸道疾病。故於「三九天」進行天灸治療,可袪除寒邪、扶助正氣、提高人體的抗病能力。對於或治療各種寒性疾病如咳喘、泄瀉、風濕骨痛等,有良好的預防作用。曾接受三伏天天灸的人士,尤其適合於三九天作加強治療。



Sindy’s Yoga 瑜伽


蕭善芬  Sindy Siu
瑜伽導師  Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher

About Sindy 關於導師:

Iyengar Yoga Junior Intermediate I Teacher Training
Rainbow Kids and Family Yoga Teacher Training
Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training
Hot Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Works Teacher Training
Yoga Works 瑜伽導師教學認證

Beginner 對於初學者 會跟老師示範動作去模仿練習。從站立、前彎、後彎、扭轉、倒及、腹部及恢復(Restorative)動作去練習基本動作。但以站立為基本去建立基本瑜伽動作概念去打穩基礎,循遞漸進地練習去鍛練及了解身體作出日後加深練習。有時會利用輔助具去幫助身體伸展。

Advanced 對於資深練習者 從不同練習方式去鍛練個別式子或從不同角度去針對身體個別部份去練習。例如足踝、膝、盆骨(髋部)、下腰背、背部、胸腔、肩膀和頸。從練習動作中,作出微調去認知身體反應及改善身體空間。

8 Classes   Introducing Iyengar yoga course

  1. Standing Pose ( Upright + balance) and seated pose (upright)
    -Learn how to stand on the feet and the legs with alignment to stand upright during practise Standing pose and balance on the feet during practise balance pose.
    -To build up the strength of the leg
    -In seated pose, learn how to sit on the hip to let the spine lift with light feeling.
  2. Standing Pose (Forward bend) and Seated Pose (Forward bend)
    -Learn how to keep the leg muscle lift (strength leg muscle) and fold the hip joint into Standing Forward bend Pose.
    -Learn how to sit on the hip and work on leg and arm action during practise seated forward bend pose to enlongate the spine and calm the mind. To increase flexibility on the back leg and spine and also calm the mind.
  3. Standing Pose (Twist) and Seated Pose (Twist)
    -Learn how to use the leg and hip action/ movement to relief back muscle. Through practise twist pose to nourish and rejuvenating the spine.
  4. Standing Pose (Hip Opening) and Seated Pose (Hip Opening)
    -Learn how to strength the leg muscle and relief release the tension of hip joint through practice standing and seated poses properly to recreate the freedom around the joints and improve the body circulation.
  5. Back bend Pose
    -Learn how to use arm and leg action and movement to open the heart and roll the shoulder back and down to promote flexibility strengthen back muscle and boot up energy.
  6. Inversion
    -Inversion pose is Anti-gravity and anti-aging pose and learn how to defy gravity with these step-by-step instructions. How to prepare for it and stay safe in inversion poses.
  7. Arm balance
    -Learn to work on arm and leg to strengthen and tone the cure, thighs and arms when hanging in arm balance pose.
  8. Restorative Pose.
    -Relax, Relax and Relax. Restorative pose can help to relax and calm entired body and mind. And restore /re-gain energy back after the whole busy day.

你可選擇 you can choose:

私人指導/ 臨床瑜伽 Individual Class / Clinical Yoga

個別專門指導或臨床瑜伽課程, 以矯正身體的結構和功能問題。
Individual or clinical yoga class can help to adjust the structure and function of the body

雙人班 Couple Class

Couple and Friend can practice together

家庭班 Family Class

*如額外每加一人, 加$192 (1小時)/ $240 (1.5小時)
Family & Friend can practice together, up to 4 people per class
*Add $192 per hour or $240 per 1.5 hours for each additional member.

Price 費用

1 Hour (1小時) $768
1.5 Hours (1.5小時) $960

Special Promotion 特別優惠:

Get 10% OFF if you prepay for an 8 sessions program

Get 5% OFF if you prepay for a 4 sessions program

For additional information and enquiries, please contact 查詢及報名

Tel 電話: 3741 1970 / 2537 2083
Fax 傳真: 2125 8825
Email 電郵: info@iholistic.org
上課地點: 九龍彌敦道788-790號利美大廈9字樓 (港鐵太子站A出口)
Address: 9/F, Lee May Building, 788-790 Nathan Road, Kowloon (MTR Price Edward Exit A)



七月健康講座 – 三伏天天灸療法

三伏天天灸療法是一種中醫採用冬病夏治的原理進行的灸法,在夏天小暑與 大暑前後最熱的「三伏天」,以中藥敷貼背部的穴位進行「天灸」,用以治療 過敏性鼻炎、哮喘、氣管敏感等秋冬常見的疾病。

香港醫院管理局的中醫部於 2009 年曾經做過一個「天灸治療過敏性鼻炎及哮 喘」的文獻研究,結果顯示天灸治療過敏性鼻炎和哮喘病人時在循證對照測 試中,有明顯的臨床症狀改善。   除了對過敏性鼻炎和哮喘有效外,三伏天天灸法亦對慢性支氣管炎、體虛易 於感冒的人、泄瀉、胃脘痛、月經不調、關節痛、腰痛、風濕痹痛等虛寒型 的呼吸道、消化道、抵抗力和整體肌能低下等問題有一定作用。
通過這個講座,馮偉業中醫師及物理治療師會向大家說明天灸療法的機理、 作用、應用、適應症和禁忌症等。 屆時亦歡迎大家提出問題,一同研討。

報名及查詢: info@iholistic.org / 2537 2083   (費用全免,名額有限,請即報名)

Natural Moxibustion in Summer Time 2016-7




一. 是久咳、哮喘、肺痺、肺脹(慢性支氣管炎、支氣管哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺病等)、鼻鼽(過敏性鼻炎)、體虛易感冒者等呼吸系統疾病;
二. 是久瀉、虛寒性胃痛(慢性腸炎、腸易激綜合徵、慢性胃炎等)消化系統疾病;
三. 是虛勞症、痺症(各種類型的關節炎)、痛經等。


Natural Moxibustion in Summer Time 2016