All Products >> Pillows 健康睡枕 >>Therapeutica Sleeping Pillow 醫療枕頭

Product Details Price: $1,150-1,480

Item Code 產品編號: PTPC (child), PTPP (petite), PTPA (average), PTPL (Large)


• Two pillow shapes are incorporated into one with different heights for back and side sleeping.

• Helps reduce sore and stiff neck problems from sleeping incorrectly.

• Reduces snoring.
• 5-year warranty not to lose shape or resilience.
• Comes with a free fitted polyester/cotton machine washable zippered pillow cover.
• Fits into a standard pillow case.
• Made of non-allergenic environmentally-friendly foam.

• 5 different sizes to choose from.

Sleep on back:
(1) Wedge Extension: unique design supports upper back.
(2) Cervical Contour: maintains the natural curve of neck.
(3) Centre Cavity: cradles head for optimal support and comfort.
Side Sleeping:
(4) Raised Side Sections: accommodate shoulder height.
(5) Contoured Head Rests: keep head and neck level.
(6) Side Cavities: provide flexible cushioning, ensuring jaw comfort, and essential for TMJ sufferers.
•  結合兩種枕頭形狀,提供不同的高度予頭部及頸部,適合習慣仰睡及側睡的人
• 改善睡眠姿勢,減少頸緊膊痛
• 減少打鼾
• 非常耐用,使用五年內仍能保持形狀及彈性
• 可用於一般枕頭套
• 採用環保泡沫塑料製造,不會引起敏感

• 五個尺碼可選

(1) 楔形延長:有效支撐上背部
(2) 頸椎弧形:配合頸椎弧度,使呼吸道暢順
(3) 中心凹陷:讓頭部舒適穩臥,避免頭部傾側
(4) 枕旁隆起:適切肩膀高度,側臥時支撐頭部
(5) 頭枕高度:有助保持頭部及頸椎平衡
(6) 坑位:提供柔軟緩衝,減低牙關所受的壓力